Thursday, March 22, 2012

Asaah's Law

Asaah’s Law: “Nothing is ever done if we have to wait for everyone to be convinced that it ought to be done and does not need to be convinced for so long that time runs out to do something else.” Oliver Asaah

Asaah’s Law Explained

Never wait for approval from other people to carry out projects that matter to you and that you care about. If you wait for their approval, it will take forever and time will run out especially as time waits for no one.

If there is a change you have to make, go ahead and make it happen; after all people are usually resistant to change whereas it might be that change that will see you through the deep waters of your desires and the most soul-searching dreams and aspirations of your life. Wait for no one! How much do other people have for you and your life? The sobering answer is: NOT MUCH.

You might as well ignore their rather ignominious interventions and contraventions. Take your route and do everything to be a student rather than be a follower. 

Students take information, assimilate it, add their own wit to it and apply it in a careful manner. On the other hand, followers run after the footprints of the leader sometimes sheepishly and often ignore the new dispensations; Ingenuity is usually not their best asset.

Correct knowledge applied correctly is power. Wisdom is simply the wary application of knowledge not to garnish or adorn your window but to enable motivated and sustained efforts come to fruition. The ultimate goal here is to accomplish your dreams in life. That is the underlining morale embedded in Asaah’s Law.

Oliver Asaah

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

7 Things Women Wish They'd Known Before Marriage

By YourTango Experts

This guest article from YourTango was written by Dr. Laurie Weiss.

The New York Times reported that over half of the births to US women younger than 30 occurred outside of marriage in 2009. Most of the ongoing rise of births to unmarried women occurred to couples living together but unmarried. So why don’t these young women want to get married?

New York Times experts speculate on a number of economic reasons in a follow-up article in the Motherlode section. They reported that many young parents said “they would like to be married but not now and not to each other.”

The research I did for my forthcoming book, 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Saying I Do: Your Guide to a Successful and Fulfilling Marriage suggests other important reasons that young women don’t feel ready to marry.

Here are seven of the areas that the women who answered my question, “What is the most important thing you wish you had known before you were married?” mentioned most frequently.

  1. I wish I’d known what marriage is really like.

Many of these women got most of their information (really misinformation) about what marriage was supposed to be like from the media and they believed it until reality struck.

  1. I wish I’d known more about myself.

These women had very little idea of who they were or would like to be when they were not trying to please the people around them.

  1. I wish I hadn’t been in such a hurry so I could’ve taken the time I needed.

These women feel pressure to marry prematurely both internally from themselves and from others.

  1. I wish I knew just how much family patterns could influence us.

These women were so surprised by how difficult it was to blend their own ideas with their husbands’ family influenced ideas of what marriage was supposed to be like.

  1. I wish I’d known that bad behavior can get worse.

This very common response came from women who made excuses for their fiancĂ©’s behavior before marriage. They were surprised that they weren’t able to change it.

  1. I wish I’d paid a whole lot more attention to money.

Some women surprised themselves by how capably they managed money once they were forced to do so. Others realized how they have given away their power by not taking joint responsibility for the couple’s money.

  1. I wish I’d known what it really takes to makes a marriage work.

Many of these women shared the challenges they had met in the lessons they’ve learned along the way to help them eventually make their marriages work.

Perhaps, the young women who are not marrying even after they become pregnant are aware of what they don’t know. They may be delaying marriage until they have the opportunity to mature and learn more about what they need to know to create a successful and stable marriage in the future. Unfortunately, the responsibilities of parenthood may make it even more difficult for them to learn about themselves and take the time that they need to prepare for marriage.

In any case, both New York Times articles show that couples who are living together split up at twice the rate of couples who commit to marriage. This leaves the children at higher risk of behavioral and emotional problems than children who grow up in a stable and secure environment. The choices these women are making may be self-protective and help them avoid difficult marriages. These choices may also prevent them from having the opportunity to grow and mature by solving the natural challenges that occur in marriage.

The information that’s been shared by some of the women who answered my question suggests that they highly value the lessons they’ve learned in creating long-term, stable and happy marriages.
If you really want to know more about what it takes to make a marriage work, my 60 minute MP3 Audio: Secrets of Relationship Development and my popular E-Book: 24 Tips for Having a Great Relationship are my gifts for you

curled from  Psych Central

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Confidence Steam Engine

 “Those who do not know the difference between confidence and arrogance are always intimidated by confident people.” Author Unknown.

Confidence is an indispensable ingredient in the equation or the formula of success. I really mean self confidence here. Confidence is very important because the lack of it is going to   make you susceptible to the influence of negative outside forces.

Fear is a myth, to conquer it, is to demystify fear. Zig Ziglar says FEAR stand for: False Evidence Appearing Real. It is that devilish force that holds back every living being from living to their full potential.

 Lack of self confidence and the fear of risk taking are the reason why the cemetery is the richest place wherever you go in the world irrespective of culture, race or color: the dead went into their graves with their music still in them. They parted with their potential untapped and it will never be tapped ever. Now that you choose to read this work and now know about this semblance of a revelation, would you choose to go to your grave with your music still in you?

Well, it is your choice; but you will not venture to lie to your creator, or your super being that you were not aware of your potential and the steps you could take to explore and exploit your potential. You will not lie that you did not have the means because by the end of this work, you will have known exactly what you need to do to live to your full potential. The writer pledges to be available to help you all the way. I am just a phone call, an email, a website or a workshop away.

Albert Einstein said that no matter how smart you are or how long you ponder, you can never be sure how a watch works unless you look inside. He spots it right on. How would you know your potential without venturing into the realm of your abilities and capabilities?  More so, how would you venture into the fabric of your being and possibilities without vesting, harnessing and instilling self confidence?

 Self confidence is the mantle of imagination and the cradle of hope; without the former, we cannot dream and without the latter, we are dead-living.  Think of a steam engine for second: that was the dream of Thomas Savery.

Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698 patented the first crude
steam engine, based on Denis Papin's Digester or pressure cooker of 1679.

Thomas Savery had been working on solving the problem of pumping water out of coal mines, his machine consisted of a closed vessel filled with water into which steam under pressure was introduced. This forced the water upwards and out of the mine shaft. Then a cold water sprinkler was used to condense the steam. This created a vacuum which sucked more water out of the mine shaft through a bottom valve.

Self confidence is like the steam engine. You are the closed vessel, your will to pilot the vessel is the pressure, your energy is the water, your nutrition and exercise is the sprinkler, and outside forces is the vacuum.

Once you have vested and harnessed the vessel, the will, water and nutrition and exercise, which are the constituent elements of self confidence, the last part which is the vacuum or the outside forces are more likely to be favorable to you. Even some of the outside forces that might be adverse will not kill you; rather, they will make you stronger. Outside forces (vacuum) can never be dominant once all other parts of the confidence puzzle or the team engine are in place.

Once the steam engine is in place, the next step is to improve on it through consistency and persistency. Let’s take a look at Thomas Newcomen’s atmospheric steam engine.

The Newcomen steam engine used the force of atmospheric pressure to do the work. Thomas Newcomen's engine pumped steam into a cylinder. The steam was then condensed by cold water which created a vacuum on the inside of the cylinder. The resulting atmospheric pressure operated a piston, creating downward strokes. In Newcomen's engine the intensity of pressure was not limited by the pressure of the steam, unlike Thomas Savery’s earlier invention.

 An impeccant measure of self confidence will inadvertently and invariably lead to trust, help and care from outside forces. Your possibilities become limitless: that is analogical to Newcomen’s improvement on Savery’s steam engine in that, the Newcomen engine was not limited by the pressure of the steam since it gathered more energy from the atmosphere.

Self confidence is the mantle of imagination and the cradle of hope; without the former, we cannot dream and without the latter, we are dead-living.  Self confidence is not a one short exercise. It is a short gun house. If you fail to feed it, it will starve to death. It has to be active, it is a verb: you must continue building on it through personal development. It is more or less like motivation that easily fades away when you stop fueling it with fresh energy.

A study has suggested that 95% of our all behavior is done without conscious thought. Are we sleep-walking 95% of our life? It is the programming of our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind tele-guides our behavior which reflects in our actions and omissions. That is why it is crucial to reprogram our subconscious mind and turn around disempowering programs into empowering ones and treat or cure ourselves of inadvertent waste of our energy and abilities. Reprogramming the subconscious mind gives us the chance to bring ourselves to the level conscious consciousness in our daily events. Read more on the subconscious reprogramming chapter.

Outside forces will make you go astray in your journey to success since most people are out there for themselves and reserve little or nothing for you and your responsibilities. It is human nature to seek and strive for self interest. That is the DNA of all living beings.

Most people are yet to understand and tap into the 4th habit well outlined in Stephen R. Covey’s book: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The fourth habit states: Think Win-Win. The win-win philosophy is not just some little technique or some nice little phrase. A win-win person has an abundance mentality: his or her paradigm of life is that there is plenty out there for everybody.

 It simply means that you don’t have to be cutthroat to succeed in your mission; just live and let live! You do not have to put someone down in order to go up. Conversely, when you lift others up, you go up and when you push others down, you go down with them. For example, there is no way you can push someone down on the floor and keep him down without staying down with him.

 Once it borders on self confidence, never let yourself become prone to the will of others against your own will. To ensure this you must plan your work and work your plan! If you don’t have plans for yourself, you will fall into other people’s plans! That is the real meaning of the adage that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

In response to Matt Morris’ question, Wayne Nugent stated as follows:

“Matt, do you want to know the reason why people follow me? There is only one reason and one reason only. The reason why I’m a great sales person, the reason why I’m a great speaker , and the reason why I can recruit the best sales people to work for me all boils down to one thing that I have more than anyone I know  - confidence” the emphasis is mine.

Nevertheless, do not confuse your will power in your own project with general interest or group endeavors. With the latter, general interest decisions prevail in communion with what ever are the parameters that are generally accepted as the modus operandi.

The question to start with is: who is the most important person in your life on this planet earth? The automatic (thoughtless) answer is you. If the most important person is you, then you have the full power and ability to be your best friend or your worst enemy. You are the master pilot. Whichever of the two ways you choose; others will take the hue and cue from you. Norman Vincent Pearle put it succinctly: “others will unconsciously take you at your own self-appraisal.”

If the image or picture you have of yourself is healthy and positive, you are your best friend and you can be whatever you desire to be. It must be a burning desire. Not just what you want to be. Just wanting something is not enough; remember in economics, wants are just incidentals that you can live your life successfully whether you have them or not. On the other hand, needs are those commodities that you cannot do without them; you need them for your daily survival.

Conversely, if the image you have of yourself is unhealthy or negative, you are your own worst enemy. Teddy Roosevelt said it best: “no one can make you feel inferior without your permission”. If you think less of yourself, others will copy from you and take you to be inferior. You wouldn’t make yourself bananas, would you? If you did, monkeys would eat you.

You have to be at piece with yourself in order to be at piece with other people. You have to be your best friend and then treat others as your best friends. Psychologist, Dr. Han Solo  says: “If in dealing with people and we treat them as if they were our best friends, we shall get along with a lot more people, be accepted by a lot more people and as a result our self-image will remarkably improve.”

 In order to be trusted, you must trust others first. Remember the question everyone is asking is: what is it for me? That is at the center of salesmanship and we are all in sales directly or indirectly. Why would anyone ask that question? It is because we are naturally selfish. That is a fact and a universal principle. We always first take care of self before taking care of the other.

There is an Nweh proverb that says: if you are carrying your baby and sitting by the fireside and suddenly there a burst in the heath and two pieces of hot burning wood jump and one drops on your lap and the other drops on your baby’s lap, you will remove yours first and the baby’s second.

That is instinct and genetic code. Any other consideration comes as an afterthought. That is exactly how the human being and every other life form respond to stimuli. That is why in helping any other person apart from you, it has to be intentional. Consequently, the logic behind the concept that intention precedes attention is profound. Understanding and applying that concept plays a huge role in setting priorities and ensuring impeccable accomplishments.

A negative image will stifle your efforts from fructifying.  A negative image robs the beholder of energy and it is counter –productive. Never see yourself in the light or in the picture of other people. No two people are the same; not even the so-called identical twins. Everyone person is unique – that is your DNA.

Your uniqueness therefore makes you stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Discerning this reality and refraining from peer and other outside negative influence is primordial in building self confidence.   You have to count first on your own efforts in order to expect a true ram of accomplishments.  How would you expect a true ram of accomplishments counting principally on others?

Remember the story of the Siamese or conjoined twins. As adults, they were tired of living together and opted to separate from each other at the risk of their lives. The surgery to separate them was unsuccessful and they passed away; at least, they were at peace with themselves when they passed on.

They were supposed to be identical twins generated and conceived from the same ovary; yet they had different personalities and wanted their freedom so bad even at the point of death. The point is; no one can love you more than you love yourself. Therefore, you have your best interest at heart than any one may claim to be.

Charles B. Rouss says: “Not in time, place, or circumstances, but in the person lies success.”

Generally, people are a trip and they will trip on you. Treasure yourself and people will treasure you. The way you carry yourself, respect yourself; I really mean self confidence will determine your output. Do not mistake this for a super inflected self ego that can lead to vaulting ambition that may over leap itself and fall on the side.

 Our ego is our silent partner – too often with a controlling interest,” Cullen Hightower. So we need to watch out for a selfish controlling ego that may impede our ability to integrate the general good – the service we set out to do for others.

It is not the things we get, but the hearts we touch that will measure our success in life”, Anonymous.

How do you build self confidence? It lies in personal development.

Psychologist, Terry Bradshaw says it as follows: “The life of a winner is the result of an unswerving commitment to a never ending process of self completion”. I will go further to define commitment; it is doing what you said you would do long after the feeling with which you made that declaration has left you. It is commitment that transforms a promise into a reality.

I believe attitude is what sets us apart from animals. Animals are beings that change their minds quiet abruptly and frequently. They are often more erratic than pragmatic. Even then, a starving lion would not give up on its prey once it sets out to hunt. To the lion, it is a necessity rather than rationality; it is a choice between life and death; it either preys on its victim or it dies of starvation. The latter is not an option.

Remember that carnivores unlike herbivores, generally only prey on fresh flesh. There is no carnivorous hay! Consequently, they set out hunting only when they are already hungry. This means that they have to have a high degree of commitment in consonance with acute tenacity and perseverance. With commitment, they go over all the huddles that they encounter and overcome all pitfalls that may belie their way. 

The length of time here is irrelevant. What matters is the outcome of the venture. For the lion, the result would be catching the prey. For the human race, the result is achieving whatever it is that we set out to accomplish as our objective.

My illiterate father, Asaah A Mbuh Fominka (aka Nkemamin), says that “God creates man and after birth, man completes the process of his creation.” I find this enormously exciting for my father who never saw the four walls of a classroom. Nevertheless, he is a talented philosopher/ psychologist. I came to understand that he was talking of personal development in every meaning of the word; character building, and every facet of knowledge and tangent information that uplifts the gods and guts of fulfilling a purposeful life.

By the same token, my illiterate father goes further to say in advising his children and kindred as follows: “your attitude or character will give you a father and a mother wherever you go.”  I have seen this proofed to be true over and over wherever I have gone and lived. I believe this philosophy holds true anywhere and everywhere in the world irrespective of the race and culture.

People are prone to accept and appreciate good and positive behavior and character. The attitude you portray gives signals to the people around you and that invariably influences the way they interact with   you and this goes back to the way you carry yourself-image.

Abraham Lincoln was such a humble yet very confident person. His humidity, personality and confidence gave him the aptitude and impetus to rise to an altitude that helped reshaped the mindset of slave masters, their proponents and beneficiaries and paved the way to the banishment of slavery and slave trade.

That would have been impossible without the impeccable and unshakable self confidence that he willed even in the face of adversity. In his own words he said as follows: “I desire to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on Earth, I shall at least have one friend left and that friend shall be down inside me.”  This is clear exhibit of a man of character, resolute, steadfast and discipline. It is evidence of self confidence at its best.

Let me tell you a very personal story. Several years ago, I went with a friend to an embassy for a visa.  Aware of the long lines of visa seekers in that particular embassy, we left for the capital city, host of that embassy, one day in advance. We checked into a hotel where we spent the night.

By 4 am the following day, we were up, took our shower and got to the embassy by 5 am. We thought we would be the only early birds but to our greatest amazement we still found a long line of people. After spending about an hour in the long line, we finally got through the security screening process.  We gained access into the waiting area and occupied the two free seats.  As we sat waiting, I realized that there were two female interviewers.

I had a gut feeling that I could easily resonate with one of the ladies so I said to my friend that I would love to be interviewed by that lady. My friend said, “me too”. I sat next to my friend in the line where there were two other interviewees sitting before him; I was number four in the line.

 When you check in through the security officers, your passport is collected and later handed out to the interviewers.  Consequently, we did not know who of the two interviewers had whose passport.

 Before long, the two others completed their interviews and the lady I had wished and conjectured called my name. My friend concluded that he would surely be interviewed by the other lady. I could see my friend’s countenance sing with hopelessness and discourage as if to say;”he is the lucky one”.   

I was well dressed in suit and tie, well shaved and pretty much predisposed with the right measure or dose of self confidence. My self image was apart or in consonance with my appearance and my speech was pregnant with eloquence, goaded with creativity and imbued with pragmatism.

The set up of the interview area comprises of a waiting area, a cashier’s booth and the interview space. During the interview process, the interviewer seats in the innermost part adjoining the rest of the office space; a glass shield separates the innermost station from where the interviewee stands ready to go through what to some is an ordeal, to others a formality.

 Talking of first impression, I got it right. It was after noon already. The poor lady had not yet had the chance to eat. In a split second, I felt she was a little stressed up struggling to eat some polished Irish potatoes. I greeted her and immediately proceeded to say: “enjoy your meal madam”. She responded rather disappointingly: “I am not enjoying the meal”. I dared to ask: “why not?”  She said it was because she did not have the chance to eat since morning.

“You see madam; you are very blessed and lucky. There are so many people out there who do not have anything to do; yet you have more than enough to do so much so that you don’t even have the time to really sit down and eat”, I remarked.  “That’s so true”,   she responded smiling broadly.

Remember that those who do not understand the difference between arrogance and confidence will always be intimidated by confident people”.

The stage was set with a positive mindset and likeability. Among others things, she interviewed me on law and customs asking me rather trick questions on my training, experience and education. I had a short presentation on the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS on the county and especially the proliferation of orphans who have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. In the paper, I was making a request for the county organization in the Diaspora to study the possibility of opening an orphanage to that effect.

The interviewer found it compelling on her to relate a story of a 9 and 11 year-old sisters she met in another country and who had tested HIV positive; an HIV positive adult had raped them apparently because in that society, they believed that they would be cured and cleansed of HIV/AIDS by having intercourse with a virgin.

The interview had taken a different hue and cue; a conversational mode. Being considerate, I realized that there was still quite number of interviewees waiting so I suggested: “it would appear that there are some people waiting to be interviewed Madam, might be we can end here and give them their fair chance!”  She heeded my advice and requested me to proceed to the next window and pay my visa fee.

When I went to that embassy, I was determined to have it all and so did I.I have never heard of a case where an interviewee closed a visa interview in that embassy but I did. I tell you this story not impress you but to impress upon you that if I can do it, you can do it. It is the question of putting on your confidence coat the way you want it to fit you. Of course, you must use your cards right. A careful blend of humor, care and candor will give you a darling cake at every stake.

How well you give a positive infectious first impression all depends on your self confidence. Build self confidence within and bring it without and wear it on your countenance. Make sure to give your first impression an indelible mark by consciously preparing what and how you will deliver to the factor; at the end, you will be the benefactor!
Oliver Temateh Asaah {OTA}

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Universal Productivity Code {UP-Code} tm: Prologue

 Production is the end of all endeavors. The greatest tools we need today to succeed are: creativity, connection and tenacity. This tierce or the CCT triangle is designed to unite and ultimately result in productivity.

 There is no productivity until there is creativity.  Creativity goes nowhere until it meets tenacity or the ability to endure. Endurance in a venture that aims at making an impact is never a lone ranger. Since great things are never accomplished by a one-man-band, the ability to connect is indispensable.

 Energy goes nowhere until it meets synergy (tm). It is the ability of the creator of the idea to connect and synergize that determines the depth and application thus the usefulness of the invention. Once the idea is born, the inventor must metamorphose into a teacher-developer of not only the creation but also of the followers or the students of that endeavor.

The inventor, now a teacher-developer, will have to build up consequential values that will construct a philosophy. Philosophy is simply the sum total of the knowhow and what is conceived as valuable to the invention. This incidental philosophy helps develop and put in place a modus operandi that will govern the application of the invention to the benefit of the universe.

The underlining principle of the UP-Code (tm )stems from a subtle distinction between perfection and excellence: Perfection is doing everything right and Excellence is doing the right thing (tm). Strive for excellence, for perfection is unattainable. Empirical findings have shown that efficiency is never 100% both in animate and inanimate existence. Human inventions have simply toed the line; logically, you have to be perfect to create something perfect. This is at the basis of the inevitable commission of errors by human beings that control and dominate the universe even when they are at their best. 

The UP-Code innovative technology is designed to step in and redefine the meaning of focus (Follow One Course Until Successful), redefine purpose and x-ray the importance of filling the skills gap in a rapidly changing universe especially in technology and the information age. The UP-Code helps illuminate the discovery that happiness brings success and eliminate the myth held over the years that success brings happiness. 
The essence of life is productivity; in order to produce, we must be able to discover the key to the combination lock. The number lock is the keeper of the safe that harbors treasures. Our goal is to decipher the life puzzle. Once the code is discovered, the rest is a walkthrough.  

To find the life puzzle or the Universal Productivity Code, we must be willing to impound our leisure in the form of delayed gratification and wear our coat of many colors and yet be buried in a unidirectional unalloyed attention.   This is simply the ability to focus {follow one course until successful} and pay no heed to detractors and naysayers.

The combination of the life puzzle often appears unreachable to some people only because they have not reached into the realm of their supreme power within. They go digging with peck and shovel without digging their brains. Until we have discovered and developed our own self then can we have the power to withstand the daunting rot of our detractors and the people of straw. Unscrupulous people litter our way through the theatre of life: although we may not stop them, we can spot them.

We can never discover the productivity code if we are a stranger to our self. It is the power from within that fuels our confidence, assertiveness, and the zest to stand our ground against all odds.  It is in studying and discovering our self that we can spot the unscrupulous and waylay them or avoid them.

The Universal Productivity Code stems from the individual and grows to others. In other words, it starts from within toward without; it is an inward-outward movement. The principle holds the same whether it is in one person, group of persons or an organization. Whether the organization is for profit or not for profit; whether it is humanitarian or ecosystem, whether it is secular or religious.

How can the Universal Productivity Code tm be discerned? The constituent elements of this life puzzle will come piecemeal. Get your salivary amylase ready to devour, digest and feed on these delicate nutrients. Please, make sure to give your feedback on the comment section at the bottom. I appreciate your time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Motivate means to stimulate to action, provide with an incentive or motive. The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Edition does have the word motivate or motivation. The word thus is fairly new but very important. It is just like microwaves didn’t exist until some 50 years ago. Later on internet, cell phones, CDs, Flash drives, MP3s, iphone, ipad, and so on. Today, we act as though these gadgets have always been here; there is no going backwards. That is how technology influences the human brain. We typically have insatiable craving for the use of these items. When they fade out or go bad, we just replenish them.
How about motivation? It fades away with time just like our favorite meal does after eating. The open secret is that it works exactly like the technology gadgets mentioned above. We have to continually keep ourselves motivated by consuming motivational material: audio or visual tapes, books, magazines, and use mentors as well as attend motivational workshops and conferences. By the way, when we are motivated we are more productive and it is our production that gives us the means and ways to acquire technological gadgets that make life easy and convenient to us.
It is like our clothes, it is like food, it is like toothpaste, it is like bathing soap… when any of these items are out, we have to replenish it and life continues.
Motivation raises the specter of hope and achievement. It brings the spirit of confidence home and rekindles the thirst to drive our self and autopilot our dream-craft. Motivation overshadows the ghost of fear, discouragement, hopelessness and serves as the enemy to the naysayers.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Dig Your Brain

Before you go to work with pick and shovel,

 Dig your brain first.

The greatest goldmine is in the brain;

 Train and drain your brain.

Make sure to pull out the grain.

Overlook naysayers’ disdain.

Beware of the detractors’ drain.

Focus on the potential gain.

Board the winners’ train.

Oh yes, no pain no gain.

The gain is worth the pain.


Creed of Life

Life is a dive.

 Drive it right.

Jive the pine.

Time your vine.

 Dine to menu.

 Prime your dive.

Drive your mind.

 Feed it right.

Live your life.

Let others live.

Die and alive.

Live for ever.

Oliver Asaah

Universal Code Cracker

Your Partner in Crime: the subconscious Mind

v  What is subconscious mind?

v  How does subconscious get its programs?

v  How can we access programs in the subconscious?

v  How can we reprogram the sub conscious?

These are questions we address in this chapter.

What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious is the guardian angel of the conscious mind and the queen motivator of our actions.

It is our partner in crime that micromanages the roles we play: actors, participants or spectators in the theatre of life as the case may be. The subconscious influences every second of our life in everything we do or fail to do, dictated by programs that have been systematically installed in our subconscious starting from birth.

Some of these programs are empowering, others disempowering. Disempowering programs are those that hold us back from exploring, exploiting and manifesting our passion and unleashing our full potential. Empowering ones help us get closer to our destiny. Disempowering programs are our focus.

How does the Subconscious get its Programs?

The subconscious is the invisible master pilot of our actions. It tele - guides our thinking; our thinking dictates our actions and our actions prove who we are.

 What can to be done to shape our subconscious to work for us?

 In the Nweh and some other cultures in the Cameroons, twins are believed to possess some magical powers: they can bring good and bad luck to their family. Twins can inadvertently hurt family members by inflicting severe pain. Upon satisfying their demand, they mysteriously fix their fetish deeds.

Once upon a time, at the age of 6, one of my step twin-sisters was upset with me and she promised to sprain my leg. She kept staring at my right    leg, consequently, after a while when I stood up I realized couldn’t walk. My right leg was hurting me and I submitted to her magical powers, coaxing her to forgive me and return my leg to normal. Instantaneously, my leg came back to normal.

This belief and many others have existed from time immemorial, and are held to be true and inextricably interwoven with the lifestyle of believers. Some beliefs might not be true but the faith in them, makes them appear real and they   manifest themselves in us. The subconscious gets its programs in a similar way. 

The subconscious is programmed in three ways: persons (family, teachers, mentors, peers, friends, associates…). Place (environment) and things (experiences; media; books; films). These three dimensions encode the subconscious at varying degrees. They determine whom, how, where, when, why we acquire our programs. These questions will facilitate the process of reprogramming our subconscious.

The programming of our subconscious starts from conception: According to Joseph Susedik; talking to children in the womb has a tremendous    impact on their development and recommends a calm, serene environment for a pregnant mother.  A solemn atmosphere ensures the birth of a child with utter trust in the parent.  The Dallas Times Herald article, May 15, 1982 wrote that Joseph and Jitsuko Susedik believe any parent can raise brilliant children; they just need phonics, environment and curiosity; the earlier the better.

“Only if the child has complete trust, can he or she be taught. You must teach your children with love, gentleness and only at a time they are willing to learn”. He says.

According to Zig Ziglar 1985, Dr. Carole Taylor, Ph.D. – head of the Tolatr Academy in Pittsburgh, believes that once children master phonics, they can read anything, even college texts. Dr. Taylor has a ten and fourteen-year-old daughters both enrolled part-time in pre-medical courses in a community college. She applies person, place and thing factors in empowering her daughters.

How can we access programs in the subconscious?

This is a journey into the realm of our being to enjoying human endowments: self-awareness, imagination, conscience and independent will, that differentiates us from animals. Just ‘deep’ it: (Dig, Employ, Expect, Profit) and the salt and the sweat will yield the malt.

 Unlike consulting a doctor when we are sick for diagnostics and prescription, we have to DOCTOR ourselves in reprogramming the subconscious; that is my experience.   To me, DOCTOR means:  Diagnose, Operate, Cure, Treat, Oxygenate and Respect.  The exercise is very personal, serene and engaging.

"Faith is a state of mind which can be induced through repeated affirmations or instructions to the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND through the principle of autosuggestion”, Napoleon Hill.

    I started with an insight and ended up with sight; I have seen tangible results in my life such as an impeccable positive mindset, which is the reason I am writing this chapter. My baseline of positive attitude is fantastic, then super fantastic and finally super doper fantastic.  My contagious positive attitude has given me beatitude at my jobsite, earning me the nickname FANTASTIC! I have seen colleagues who were less enthusiastic and other employees who were generally moody brighten up and raised their level of happiness at least when we meet and communicate. This is the mirror neuron effect as described in positive psychology.

Begin with the outcome in mind. You have to see the project from start to finish by visualizing how the successful result will impact your life. Believe in the magic of believing prior to the process and see it manifest itself. Take a leap of faith forward into the unknown and see your undertaking fructify. If you believe it, it will work for you and vice versa. Physicians have testified that, patients who belief in their prescriptions see the best results.

v  Look for serene place.  For instance, notes pad, a flashlight, a pen in a closet.

v   Jot all thoughts that come to mind:  empowering and disempowering. 

v  Exhaust all thoughts until they begin to repeat themselves.

v  Separate programs into group (A) – empowering; group (B)-disempowering.

v  Transcribe into positive heading (A): rich; happy; healthy; lucky; generous; successful; likeable, intelligent, confident, strong proactive, good-humored, smiley, blessed, hardworking, attractive … and negative (B): poor; unhappy; sickly; wicket; bewitch; dishonest, stupid, weak, unlucky, quarrelsome, hated, moody, greedy, unattractive, procrastinating, lazy, self-doubt…

Group B will dumbfound and daze you but it is a crystal ball if harnessed, will take you to the crest. It demands tremendous personal effort. When the daze is overwhelming, take a break but do not freak; resume after regaining sanity.

Negative programs also come from errors we committed in the past, unrealized dreams and aspirations, unforgiving & retributive attitude learnt from unforgiving & avenging people around us, hatred of self/others; liking/love of self/others. The entire process is an ORDEAL: (Open, Right, Developmental, Enforcement, and Action (for) Life). It is the right action. Just be open and enforce it for your personal development. Eventually, your energy will lead to unstoppable synergy!

 You are the way you are because that’s the way you want to be. If you really wanted to be any different, you would be in the process of changing”, Fred Smith.

 We are 100% in control of the process of decoding/ re-encoding our subconscious and unleashing potential just like we are control of our attitude.  The difference is that our negative programs might be influencing our attitude. Let’s program our subconscious to work for us.   “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.” William James.

How can we reprogram the Subconscious?

To be blind is bad, but worse is to have eyes and not see”. Helen Keller

Synchronize the final process; fill the vacuum left by decoded negative programs with positive ones. It is the most difficult but groovy part of the process. Our burning desire to succeed will hone our power to alter the status quo, release our potential and unshackle us. Unlike our minds, the subconscious works round the clock over our lifetime.

  I came up with this formula to clear my path: Steadfast; Proactive; Assertive; Discipline and Emphatic (SPADE).  I decided to pick up my SPADE and dig my goldmine. This metaphor propelled me to un-clutter my mind and get rid of the noise that held me back from moving forward. I apply SPADE in my daily activities.

SPADE forms the north arc; Action forms the south arc meeting in the middle to form the circle of life. Diameter states: do it now; there is no tomorrow!

 Decoding and Reprogramming Process.

v  Original cause of negative programs.

v  What fuels programs?

v  Negative programs decoding support systems. (person; place; thing?)…

v  Positive programs: supportive energy. (Person, place or thing?)…

v  Use answers to handle corresponding situations promptly and assuredly.

v  Note positive programs against  negative ones

v  Example:  rich >  poor

v  Replace disempowering programs with corresponding empowering ones

v  Declare, affirm, meditate…

v  Celebrate success and progress.

v  Repeat process until corresponding positive programs replace negative ones

I used the mirror technique created by Dr. Laura De Giorgio in the decoding and encoding procedure. I look at myself squarely in the eyes in the mirror; build trust and bond with myself first. Use this technique in decoding/reprogramming process. Look in the mirror, ask self: am I poised for change? And be honest. The mirror reflects our image back to us, facilitates introspection, reaching into the subconscious to install our new software respecting our probing inquisitorial response/drive.

The mirror technique helps translate our daily mantras, pep ourselves and prime our limitless possibilities pump. We have to Be, Do & Have respectively. Never try to have, be and then do.    Are we taking full advantage of our positive programs?  Release their full potential. In the ORDEAL we shall face obstacles, objections, mesmerisms, dilemmas… but our faith alone will resuscitate us. 

I experienced a rollercoaster in some programs and momentary crest falls in some.  SPADE, daily meditations, declarations, affirmations helped me get over most of them.  Listen and watch motivational and inspirational tapes. Adjust or quit the relational illness environment and develop a nourishing mindset. READ (Rise Everyday Above Death) & STUDY (Seek Tune Up Drive Yourself) consistently. Reading is the first step. Studying what you just read tunes you up so you can apply yourself correctly through acquired knowledge; that is power!

Become a prig to master your new positive programs with practice and exercise.  The more engraved disempowering software was in your subconscious, the harder you have to work to reprogram it. For me, I revisited the reprogramming process several times and I still do for the hard ones. I believe the earlier in life one gets this awareness and use this technique; the more reversible the situation is. Meticulously unlearn the negative programs and learn positive ones. Once positive ones take root, practice and accentuate their benefits preventing negative programs from resurfacing. The procedure is simple but not easy. Everyone can learn the art, apply the tact, earn the act, tell the facts and sell their story.  

My first name is OLIVER (Open Life Invitation Earn Riches). I am inviting you to open up your life by giving reprogramming a chance because I am living proof that it works; this is not pontification. While in the process, I realized that I needed help, an accountability partner. Incidentally my last name is ASAAH (Asking Seasoned Assistance Always Helps). That’s how I decided to make my names acronyms and then put them in full to empower me in all my ventures. We always need help from a loved supportive one who can hold us accountable and measure our progress; commend or reprimand us accordingly. It must be someone we trust & respect enough to bestow our life’s purpose on.

Were it not for Tanzing the native guide, Edmund Hilary would not have made the historic climb of Mt. Everest. (John Maxwell 1984).

Do not frustrate yourself by expecting exquisite performance initially. Donald Trump’s Apprentice became number one reality show on NBC after several failures but he chose his instincts against expert’s advice; hone your partner in c rime for invincible results.

Everyone has empowering and disempowering programs. Just make sure the ratio greatly favors positive programs.

Ninety-seven percent of the population works for three percent because our programming influences our choices. We can alter that equation by reprogramming our subconscious mind.