Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Universal Productivity Code {UP-Code} tm: Prologue

 Production is the end of all endeavors. The greatest tools we need today to succeed are: creativity, connection and tenacity. This tierce or the CCT triangle is designed to unite and ultimately result in productivity.

 There is no productivity until there is creativity.  Creativity goes nowhere until it meets tenacity or the ability to endure. Endurance in a venture that aims at making an impact is never a lone ranger. Since great things are never accomplished by a one-man-band, the ability to connect is indispensable.

 Energy goes nowhere until it meets synergy (tm). It is the ability of the creator of the idea to connect and synergize that determines the depth and application thus the usefulness of the invention. Once the idea is born, the inventor must metamorphose into a teacher-developer of not only the creation but also of the followers or the students of that endeavor.

The inventor, now a teacher-developer, will have to build up consequential values that will construct a philosophy. Philosophy is simply the sum total of the knowhow and what is conceived as valuable to the invention. This incidental philosophy helps develop and put in place a modus operandi that will govern the application of the invention to the benefit of the universe.

The underlining principle of the UP-Code (tm )stems from a subtle distinction between perfection and excellence: Perfection is doing everything right and Excellence is doing the right thing (tm). Strive for excellence, for perfection is unattainable. Empirical findings have shown that efficiency is never 100% both in animate and inanimate existence. Human inventions have simply toed the line; logically, you have to be perfect to create something perfect. This is at the basis of the inevitable commission of errors by human beings that control and dominate the universe even when they are at their best. 

The UP-Code innovative technology is designed to step in and redefine the meaning of focus (Follow One Course Until Successful), redefine purpose and x-ray the importance of filling the skills gap in a rapidly changing universe especially in technology and the information age. The UP-Code helps illuminate the discovery that happiness brings success and eliminate the myth held over the years that success brings happiness. 
The essence of life is productivity; in order to produce, we must be able to discover the key to the combination lock. The number lock is the keeper of the safe that harbors treasures. Our goal is to decipher the life puzzle. Once the code is discovered, the rest is a walkthrough.  

To find the life puzzle or the Universal Productivity Code, we must be willing to impound our leisure in the form of delayed gratification and wear our coat of many colors and yet be buried in a unidirectional unalloyed attention.   This is simply the ability to focus {follow one course until successful} and pay no heed to detractors and naysayers.

The combination of the life puzzle often appears unreachable to some people only because they have not reached into the realm of their supreme power within. They go digging with peck and shovel without digging their brains. Until we have discovered and developed our own self then can we have the power to withstand the daunting rot of our detractors and the people of straw. Unscrupulous people litter our way through the theatre of life: although we may not stop them, we can spot them.

We can never discover the productivity code if we are a stranger to our self. It is the power from within that fuels our confidence, assertiveness, and the zest to stand our ground against all odds.  It is in studying and discovering our self that we can spot the unscrupulous and waylay them or avoid them.

The Universal Productivity Code stems from the individual and grows to others. In other words, it starts from within toward without; it is an inward-outward movement. The principle holds the same whether it is in one person, group of persons or an organization. Whether the organization is for profit or not for profit; whether it is humanitarian or ecosystem, whether it is secular or religious.

How can the Universal Productivity Code tm be discerned? The constituent elements of this life puzzle will come piecemeal. Get your salivary amylase ready to devour, digest and feed on these delicate nutrients. Please, make sure to give your feedback on the comment section at the bottom. I appreciate your time.

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